The Black Country Involvement Advisory Assurance Group

The Black Country Involvement Advisory Assurance Group (BCIAAG) has been newly established by the NHS Black Country Strategic Commissioning Committee as an advisory group and has several roles and responsibilities including:

  • receive reports from Healthwatch in relation to local health services with a view to sharing the learning and insight
  • champion the principles of involvement and co-production when assessing all public involvement activity, challenging, and escalating findings where standards and principles have not been met
  • seek assurance of work to reach seldom-heard groups and that this is being coordinated across partners and agencies, ensuring that all voices are being heard and that people and communities are an integral part of designing, commissioning, transforming, and monitoring services
  • oversee the development and delivery of involvement mechanisms and ensure due process and appropriate methodologies have been followed in terms of involving the public in system projects, including providing constructive advice and challenge on proposed methods
  • sign off the involvement approach to all service change programmes, prior to their final sign-off at the Strategic Commissioning Committee.

ICB Board

Our ICB Board meets six times a year and the meetings are open to the public. Furthermore, each month the board members hear some reflective views from our people and communities at the start of each meeting to set the scene for discussions that follow. Dates and papers for the Board meeting can be found online.

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