Have you ever wanted to take charge of your health and well-being but don't quite know where to start?
Join us for our Black African Caribbean Community Celebration event and welcome the start of Black History Month.
Doors open from 12pm until 4pm with lots of fun and interactive activities and opportunities to check your health and get expert advice that is tailored to you.
Tasty and healthy food available including an indoor food stall to buy fresh produce.
Hear from your local diabetes ambassador, Tony Kelly with his inspiring story of living with diabetes and taking control of his own health
Get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked. See whether you are at risk of developing diabetes and check how healthy your heart is.
There will be lots of stands and information available and the opportunity to talk with professionals about a number of topics including kidney disease, breast screening, health coaching and much more.
Music and activities throughout the day for all ages from exercise to arts and crafts, dominoes and masked theatre.