This National Patient Participation Week (31 May – 6 June), people in the Black Country are being encouraged to join their local GP patient participation group (PPG) to help shape GP services.

Organised by the National Association for Patient Participation (N.A.P.P), National Patient Participation Week takes places during the first week of June every year and aims to raise the profile of PPGs that work with the NHS.

PPGs are groups of active volunteer patients who work in partnership with GPs and practice teams to ensure the patients perspective is at the heart of local provision, so that services are of high quality and continuously improve.

As well as providing feedback to practices on the services it provides and helping get information out to the wider patient population, groups work on projects which bring health and well-being benefits to their fellow patients and help people to take more responsibility for their health.

Sarb Basi, Director of Primary Care for the NHS Black Country Integrated Care Board (ICB), said: “GP practice patient groups provide an opportunity for local people to get involved with their practice and influence the provision of local health services. Members contribute their views, make suggestions, and provide feedback on services they may have used.

“Groups work in different ways, some meet in person, others communicate with their practice online – all are keen to welcome and involve new members.

“Being part of your PPG doesn’t take up a lot of your time, but it can make a big difference. There has never been a better time to join your local group, so please get involved if you are not already.”

For more information on PPGs, visit the Black Country ICB website here.

If you are interested in finding out more about your own PPG, talk to your practice reception team, look on their website or contact the Black Country ICB by emailing

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