Parents and carers in the Black Country are being encouraged to get their children vaccinated against flu this winter.
The flu vaccination provides vital protection to prevent children from developing serious illnesses and ending up in hospital during the busy winter months.
Children eligible for a flu vaccine include:
- all children aged two or three years on 31 August 2024
- primary school aged children (from Reception to Year 6)
- secondary school aged children (from Year 7 to Year 11)
- all children in clinical risk groups aged from six months to less than 18 years.
Children aged two and three years, as well as those with long-term health conditions, will be able to get their flu vaccine at their GP practice. School children can get the flu vaccine at school through their school’s vaccination programme.
School aged children, from Reception to Year 11, who haven’t been able to get their flu vaccine at school, can also get their flu vaccine at catch-up clinics that are being hosted across the Black Country. There are a number of clinics being hosted during October half term and throughout November. You can find more information online here.
Sally Roberts, Chief Nursing Officer for the NHS Black Country ICB, said: “Children can catch and spread flu easily, particularly in nursery and school settings.
“The flu vaccine is safe and effective, and most children will receive the vaccine through a nasal spray into each nostril. It is quick and painless and is the best available protection for children against flu.
"It also helps protect others who are at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu, such as babies, anyone who's pregnant and older people.
“With flu season nearly here, now is the time to schedule your child’s vaccination to ensure they are protected as soon as possible. If your child has missed out on their vaccination in school, or you'd rather take them to a clinic, please book an appointment at one of the catch-up clinics being held in the Black Country over the coming weeks.”
Children who cannot have pork gelatine in medical products will be offered an injection instead of the nasal vaccine.
For more information about flu vaccines for children, click here.