These resources have been pulled together in one handy place to promote the importance of vaccinations. Please download and use this information on your owned channels.

If you have any questions or require further materials, please contact the Communications Team at the ICB via email to 

Maternal vaccinations

This toolkit has been produced to support stakeholders to explain and promote the maternal vaccination programme to pregnant women.

It contains posters, leaflets, social media assets and a suggested social media copy. It also includes a postcard asset which can be given during antenatal clinics.

This includes promotion for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), whooping cough (pertussis), flu and COVID-19. 

Download the resource pack.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

Download a resource pack with long and short copy materials.

Download an easy read guide for the RSV vaccination programme. 

Share a video to promote RSV vaccinations for older adults in British Sign Language (BSL). 

Diana, Antenatal Clinic Vaccinator at the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, tells us about the importance of a Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccination and how it protects babies in their first six months of life.

Download a whooping cough and pregnancy leaflet (UKHSA) 

Download a whooping cough and pregnancy poster (UKHSA) 

Whooping cough in pregnancy image 1

Whooping cough in pregnancy 2

Whooping cough vaccine in pregnancy image


Download a pregnancy & immunisations leaflet (UKHSA) 

This leaflet explains:

  • the flu vaccine
  • the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine
  • the rubella (German measles) vaccine

These vaccinations are recommended for women who are pregnant

Paper copies of this leaflet are available free to order or download in the following languages:

EnglishAlbanianArabicBengaliBulgarianChinese (simplified)Chinese (traditional, Cantonese)EstonianFarsiFrenchGreekGujaratiHindiLatvianLithuanianPanjabiPashtoPolishPortugueseRomanianRomanyRussianSomaliSpanishTagalogTurkishTwiUkrainianUrdu and Yiddish.

Images include:


Audio cards:

Black Country ICB measles videos:

Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust measles videos:

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