Personalisation is about giving back power to people – focusing on placing the individual at the centre of their care, reinforcing that the individual is best placed to know what they need and how those needs can be best met. It is one of the changes to the NHS set out in the Long-Term Plan and represents a change of relationship between people, professionals and the health and care system – designed to have a positive shift in the decision-making process, enabling people to have choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered.
Locally, we will increase personalised care planning with:
- increased availability of personal health budgets
- more shared decision making (SDM) training to ensure people are supported to understand the options available and can make decisions about their preferred course of action
- more conversations about what matters to local people rather than conversations about what is the matter with them. This will be done through more care planning approaches, education and awareness
- supporting more patient choice, ensuring that quality information is available to patients, that choice is proactively extended, and principles build into models of care and care pathways
- expanding social prescribing to be available to all communities including children and young people.
Shared decision making (SDM) refers to a point in a pathway where a decision needs to be made, people are supported to understand the options available and can make decisions about their preferred course of action.
Our plans include delivering SDM training across our workforce, embedding SDM foundations in all pathways, a public awareness campaign and the development of decision support tools.
Proactive and personalised care and support planning focuses on the clinical and wider health and wellbeing needs of the individual. Conversations should focus on what matters to the individual.
Our plans include establishing care plans and care coordinators across a range of services, embedding Compassionate Communities approach, and expanding roles in primary care to support care planning.
Enabling choice concerns the legal right to choice of provider in respect of first outpatient appointment and suitable alternative provider if people are not able to access services within waiting time standards.
Our plans include ensuring that quality information is available to patients, that choice is proactively offered and principles built into models of care and care pathways.
Social prescribing is an approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.
Our plans include expanding the service to meet all communities including children and young people, workforce training and development including peer support, and building in creative cultural health opportunities.
This is the way that health and care services encourage, support and empower people to manage their ongoing physical and mental health conditions themselves.
Our plans include developing primary based self-management education, rolling out health coaching and workforce training with a focus on prevention and self-management approaches.
A personal health budget (PHB) supports creation of an individually agreed personalised care and support plan that offers people choice and flexibility over how their assessed health and wellbeing needs are met.
Our plans include widening the availability of PHB linked to population health need, further develop the finance and clinical governance framework to support extension, pilot integrated health and care budgets.